Our Lady’s Face

our story

Have you ever noticed? In all the apparitions where Our Lady has appeared in the world, she appears in the cultural context of her children. She is our Mother. And she always has flawless skin.   

We love to honor her under the little known title of Our Lady of the Immaculate Complexion.
We think she likes her new title!

Our Lady’s Face skincare products originated in a little house of prayer, healing, and discernment called “Casa Guadalupe” located in Clifton, NJ.

Women come from all over the world to take some time, usually a year or two, to pray and intentionally discern where God is calling them in life while.  We spend time in mission and in service with the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal and Corazón Puro.

You can learn more about Casa Guadalupe here: https://www.casaguadalupe.net/

The director of the house is a consecrated lay missionary, and she has been blessed with many allergies.

So, she decided to create her own simple skincare using organic products that wouldn’t give her an allergic reaction.  One of the young women in the house decided to try the products one night after a breakout, and her skin cleared up unbelievably fast!

So they decided to try to sell it to raise money for the missions. 

Skincare with a cause.

In Casa Guadalupe, we fundraise for our mission trips as part of being in solidarity with the poor who have to ask for what they don’t have.  We ask on behalf of the poor and discover our own poverty in this gift.  So for the next mission, we decided to try fundraising by selling the products, to our surprise, people really loved them!

And when we started receiving feedback about people feeling they were healed of their eczema and psoriasis, we became convinced that this was really Our Lady interceding and wanting more.  Our product line continues to grow, along with the need.


Corazón Puro has affiliates in countries like Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and the Philippines (as well as throughout the states), and many of these poor countries are in need of funding.  We are so happy and honored to be able to help support them and are very grateful for your participation in this work!  It also supports vocations, as part of the vision of Casa Guadalupe is that the women become missionaries and learn to be a ‘sincere gift’ (cf. GS) which helps to form a sustainable yes in whatever vocation God ordains.

Thank you for your support of Missions and Vocations!